The Mental Fitness Club

where you whip your life into shape

Foundational Training

Every new member receives foundational training. Just like basic yoga for beginners before you attempt to twist yourself into an upside-down flying-eagle-pretzel. 


(Available After sign up)

Interrupt unhelpful thoughts when they arise and take charge of your mind. 



Increase your capacity to tolerate difficult emotions so that you can respond rather than react.



Close the gap between knowing what to do and actually doing it. 

The Mental Fitness Club

where you whip your life into shape

ladies, You’re obsessed with the wrong workout.

Are you ready to lose the self-sabotage and build self-confidence? Join the mental fitness club and make more of yourself, not war with yourself.

When you become a Mind Your Mind member, you’ll learn how to uncover what’s really keeping you stuck (pro tip: it’s not what you think), finally start to close that hellacious “gully of guilt” between your good intentions and your actions, and flex your new life in the mirror. 

It’s time to do change differently.

(Spandex optional.)


the "start tomorrow” treadmill and start going places?


the “start tomorrow” treadmill and start going places?

The Mental Fitness Club for Women

Created by Dr. Sasha Heinz

Mindset Coach and Developmental Psychologist

The Mental Fitness Club for Women

Created by Dr. Sasha Heinz

Mindset Coach and Developmental Psychologist

As Seen In


where we DO transformation.

When it comes to fitness, you know that reading a book or listening to a podcast about exercise won’t do squat. You’ve gotta do the damn squats to get results.

But, when it comes to personal growth, you still grasp onto the delusion that massive transformation is just an inspirational book, motivational podcast, astrological reading, or wake-up call away.

Where’s the lie?

Everyone wants transformation, but nobody wants to change.

But, what if change only feels impossible because you’re trying to “just do it”? I mean, does it really sound like a good idea to follow the advice of a marketing slogan designed to sell you hope and a new pair of running shoes?
Yeah, I didn’t think so.

Well, I’m here to give you some good news. Your frustrating resistance to change isn’t about your weak willpower, it’s about your very strong psychological immune system.
Turns out there is an effective way to break through your BS that was developed by psychologists at Harvard, not clever ad executives.

This is why Mind Your Mind exists.

Mind Your Mind is a mental gym that offers you research-based guidance to help you cross the massive chasm between dreaming and doing.

By getting a Mind Your Mind membership, you get the best-in-the-business coaching you deserve and the safe, supportive, and encouraging community you crave.

Do you want to:

  • Put your head on your pillow feeling the quiet pride of sticking to your food plan?
  • Look at the spacious calendar you created by holding your boundaries?
  • See the word count add up each week to become the book you’ve been talking about writing for ages?
  • Make swift and confident decisions instead of endlessly wavering back and forth?

We’ve got you. Mind Your Mind was created to help you solve one critical problem: your resistance to change.

Much like a group fitness class at your local gym, Mind Your Mind gets you doing the work—not just thinking about it.

Founded by Dr. Sasha Heinz—adult development and change expert with a Phd in Developmental Psychology—this mental gym blends science, coaching, and community to close the gap between who you are and who you want to be.

The only regret you’ll have is that you didn’t do this sooner.



Try it out for 1 month with no ongoing commitment. If you love it, stay. If you don’t, you’re free to go.


And Stop Giving Your Growth the Heisman

We'll help you get unstuck from...

Mind Your Mind is a place to

confront the issues that block you from having
a bigger, better, and f**cking awesome life*.

*Yes, this is the clinical psychological term.

Mind Your Mind is a place to

confront the issues that block you from having a bigger, better, and f**cking awesome life*.

*Yes, this is the clinical psychological term.

Results You Can Expect

after a few months inside Mind Your Mind, what kinds of changes will you notice?

Here’s what members tell us:

“I understand why I have been working against my goal and now I have a roadmap and a community to make real progress.”
“For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m not constantly fighting with myself.”

“I’ve gotten better at

following through on what I say I’m going to do.”
“I have so much more compassion for myself when I have the urge to reach for the emotional novocaine—sugar, carbs, wine, Instagram, or Netflix—to procrastinate and numb out because I truly understand what’s going on.”
“I am taking action way more consistently, instead of avoiding and stalling.”

“The people in my life have noticed that I’m different.

I no longer talk about what I’m going to do…I actually do it!”
“I used to ‘intellectually’ understand that I should be kinder to myself. But now I truly am. I have a completely different relationship with myself. The biggest shift for me is the shift from knowing to doing.”
“I feel like a better version of myself. It’s subtle, but noticeable. More confident, more calm, more decisive. With my kids, my husband, at work, I just…feel better!”

Doing the work…works.

Join Mind Your Mind and experience it for yourself.

What Makes

Mind Your Mind Different


With traditional therapy and coaching, you have to schedule an appointment and show up. This can be annoying and inconvenient and sometimes you’d rather just…not.

With Mind Your Mind, you don’t have to put anything into your calendar (unless you want to). Attend sessions live. Or watch the replay later whenever it’s convenient for you. And if that means watching at 10 pm in bed with a sheet mask on your face, that is perfectly fine.

Evidence-based approach

We teach you how to transform your life based on legitimate, peer-reviewed scientific research—not inspirational Instagram quotes. This mental gym is built by psychologists with the highest level of ethics and professionalism.

Adult development

You’ve probably heard of childhood development—the emotional and mental skills that kids need to develop by age 5, 10, 15, and so on. Guess what? Adult development is a “thing,” too. You need to continue developing life-skills at age 30, 40, 50, and beyond. Mind Your Mind is the world’s *only* coaching community rooted in Adult Development Theory, which is Dr. Sasha Heinz’s area of expertise. 

Sense of humor

Adulting is messy and hard. Sometimes, the only thing you can do is laugh until mascara is pouring down your face. Mind Your Mind is a place for serious growth but with a sense of humor. And yes, cursing is completely fine (we’re all f**king adults here, right?)

Doing, not just learning

Many therapists and coaches give you homework to do in between sessions. But then you never do it. With Mind Your Mind, you actually practice what you’ve learned and build new skills. Much like a group fitness class, we get you doing the work—just not thinking about it.

What Your Membership Includes...

For $297 per month, you get a life-changing mental gym that you can access online.

Each month, the gym offers:

Mindwork Classes

When you change, your life will change.
We will teach you how by honing three fundamental skills:

Coaching with Dr. Sasha Heinz

Hot Seat Coaching with Dr. Sasha Heinz

Have you ever wished you could sit down with a world-renowned psychologist to ask, “Why do I keep doing [thing] and how can I stop???!?” Here’s your chance. 

Volunteer to get coached 1:1 by Dr. Sasha Heinz—or sit back and watch other brave people get coached. You’ll learn a huge amount, either way.

Coffee Talk with Dr. Sasha Heinz

An informal chat with Sasha to discuss personal development, mindwork, and catch up with the community.

Adult Study Hall

*Aka, coworking time to get sh*t done

This is your time to get important sh*t done. This could be decluttering a room, tackling a to-do list, making progress on a project that matters to you, or finally having “that one conversation” you’ve been putting off for ten years.

(Pro tip: this is Sasha’s favorite MYM session.)

Foundational Training

Every new member receives foundational training. Just like basic yoga for beginners before you attempt to twist yourself into an upside-down flying-eagle-pretzel. 


(Available After sign up)

Interrupt unhelpful thoughts when they arise and take charge of your mind. 



Increase your capacity to tolerate difficult emotions so that you can respond rather than react.



Close the gap between knowing what to do and actually doing it. 

Ask Me Anything with Guest Experts

Write down your burning questions and bring ‘em

Aliza Pressman

Ph.D., Parenting and Child Development Expert and Host of Raising Good Humans Podcast

Candace Nelson

Founder of Sprinkles Cupcakes & Host of Sugar Rush

Sonia Wright

MD, Sex and Sexuality Coach

Elsa Isaac

Style Expert whose clients include Katie Couric and Lenny Kravitz

Ellen Vora

MD, Psychiatrist and Author of The Anatomy of Anxiety

Shira Gill

Home organizing expert and author of Minimalista

Mind Your Mind Book Club

Book recommendations, discussion questions, and Q&A time with the author

Our first guest

Britt Frank

Author of The Science of Stuck.

meet the founder

Dr. Sasha Heinz

Expert in positive psychology, adult development, and the science of getting unstuck.

Psychologist, coach, business owner, mom, and a woman who’s obsessed with one question: how can we shift from knowing to actually doing?

Sasha’s clients are smart women who say, “I know I should be doing [thing] but I just can’t seem to make myself do it,” or, “[thing] keeps happening and why can’t I break out of this pattern?” 

Sasha teaches her clients a science-driven approach that includes questioning your thoughts, building your capacity to tolerate challenging emotions, and taking courageous action. Sasha’s clients achieve outstanding results. This is why her private practice has been booked solid (through word of mouth) for the last 5 years straight.

Sasha’s Mission is to help you close the gap between who you are and who you want to be.

meet the founder

Dr. Sasha Heinz

Expert in positive psychology, adult development, and the science of getting unstuck.

Psychologist, coach, business owner, mom, and a woman who’s obsessed with one question: how can we shift from knowing to actually doing?

Sasha’s clients are smart women who say, “I know I should be doing [thing] but I just can’t seem to make myself do it,” or, “[thing] keeps happening and why can’t I break out of this pattern?” 

Sasha teaches her clients a science-driven approach that includes questioning your thoughts, building your capacity to tolerate challenging emotions, and taking courageous action. Sasha’s clients achieve outstanding results. This is why her private practice has been booked solid (through word of mouth) for the last 5 years straight.

Sasha’s Mission is to help you close the gap between who you are and who you want to be.

PhD in Developmental Psychology


Masters in Applied Positive Psychology


Bachelor of Arts


Meet Our coach

Stacy Fischer


Certified life and business coach who’s on a mission to help women navigate change, learn to trust their intuition in decision-making, and cultivate calmness in chaos by using their own operating system. Before becoming a coach, Stacy pursued successful careers in education, conservation biology, and non-profit management.

Women are saying…

“Since joining Mind Your Mind, certain events that would have activated me (or made me spiral in the past) don’t impact me in the same way.


“My favorite piece of Mind Your Mind is the live meetings. They always bring an ah-ha moment, and I always walk away with some notes to review and key takeaways.”


“This has been a truly life-changing experience for me.

It’s my gift to myself!”


“I’m so grateful that this community exists!”


“I appreciate that I don’t have to attend live meetings and I can watch the replay to catch up at my own pace. It keeps me in the game and encourages me to continue the work on a regular basis!


“I have found the science liberating.

This is revolutionary stuff.”


Our Philosophy

As an adult, you face new challenges all the time—which means you need to keep growing and building new skills. 

Just like a toddler needs to keep developing, as an adult, you need to keep developing too.

You need to develop the ability to handle stress successfully, tolerate difficult emotions, express what you’re feeling, set and enforce boundaries, take action on your ideas, and more. 

And, just like a kid can learn to wait patiently rather than throwing a tantrum, you, too, can build new abilities all throughout your adult life. You can develop the skills you need to create a bigger, more successful, more adventurous and joyful life.

Mind Your Mind is a place to develop strong skills.

Whether you are 81 or 18, it’s never too soon (or too late) to do the work.


You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers.

Therapy is amazing and we highly recommend it. So is coaching.

However, with traditional therapy (or coaching) you usually meet once a week for 1 hour. In between sessions, you’re on your own. You might be assigned homework (but then you don’t actually do it) or things come up in between sessions and you wish you could talk about it but your next session isn’t for 6 days…

Mind Your Mind gives you a place to build mental strength every single day, 365-24-7, not just for 1 hour a week.

Mind Your Mind is not a replacement for therapy, but can be an excellent companion. This is a place to take concepts you’ve learned in therapy and get support as you actually practice doing them.

Here are 5 questions to help you decide. 

  1. Do you notice repetitive patterns in your life that you don’t like and wish you could stop, whether it’s over-working, under-earning, over-drinking/eating, people-pleasing, flimsy boundaries, or something else? Yes / No.
  2. Do you feel like your life is so-so, okay, pretty good, or even great, but could definitely be better? Yes / No.
  3. Do you feel like, “I know what I should be doing, but for some reason I am just not doing it”? Yes / No.
  4. Would you like the opportunity to learn skills from a mindset expert who holds 3 Ivy League degrees including a Phd in Development Psychology? Yes / No.
  5. Do you agree that adulting is hard and f**ing messy sometimes, and having a support network really makes a difference? Yes / No.

If you answered YES to all or most of those questions, Mind Your Mind is an excellent fit for you.

Most likely, no. We provide education, coaching, and community, which (sadly) are not covered by most insurance plans.

Yes. This is for anyone who identifies as a woman.

We welcome clients from all over the world. We offer meeting times that are suitable for those in the U.S., Canada, and U.K. Clients who can’t attend a meeting LIVE are always welcome to watch the recording later.

They might! It never hurts to ask. Explain that you’re joining a program focused on mental strength, resilience, stress management, and performing better in all areas of life, led by a psychologist educated at Harvard and Columbia. 

Many companies have wellness programs or incentives to encourage employees to take better care of themselves. Your employer may be willing to reimburse you for your membership.

Your local gym probably offers 35 different yoga, pilates, and group fitness classes every week. Are you supposed to attend all of them? F**k no! That would be completely overwhelming. You pick and choose the ones you want to do. 

Mind Your Mind is exactly the same. This is a mental gym and we offer a wide variety of options, but there’s no pressure to do it all. Do what you want. Skip what you don’t.

No dirty laundry required. Mind Your Mind can be as private as you like. 

You can attend sessions live if you want to raise your hand and volunteer for 1:1 coaching. You can hang back and watch if you don’t feel like actively participating. You can skip the live sessions and catch up later by watching the replay. There’s no requirement to share.

We don’t offer refunds. However, if you’re on a monthly plan you can cancel anytime. Just give us 15 days’ notice.

When life is busy, that is precisely when you need to learn how to become the boss of your brain and take charge of your life. It’s not frivolous, it’s the fundamental skill that will help you handle life more effectively.

If you tell yourself, “next week things will be more calm,” three weeks in a row…you need Mind Your Mind. 

Mind Your Mind is not suitable for people who are going through a severe or life-threatening mental health crisis. 

If that’s what you’re going through, please work 1:1 with a licensed therapist, first, to stabilize yourself and get out of the danger zone. Or call 911 if you need immediate help.

Once you’re doing better, then you’re welcome to join Mind Your Mind in the future. Please consider Mind Your Mind an addition to your wellness routine, not a replacement for individual therapy.

Please email and ask anything you want to know. Our team is available Mon-Fri and we’ll reply as quickly as possible.

©2022 Dr. Sasha Heinz. All Rights Reserved.